Spring is on its way which means that it’s almost time for softball and baseball season! There is nothing better than watching your athlete get a hit, run the bases or make a great play in the field. Now imagine that, while your athlete is playing, your business name is on the back of your child’s uniform, your sign is in the complex, under a scoreboard on Evesham Road, etc. With over 500 registered players, there is no better way to spread goodwill and expose your business to the hundreds of friends and families at the Cherry Hill Atlantic complex than by becoming a sponsor. With well over 300 games played on the complex per year, your business is sure to get a ton of exposure.
Plus, as a non-profit organization, every dollar raised goes back in to improving the facilities, equipment and generally, making your little athlete’s experience the best one possible. In addition, your sponsorship dollars may also be tax deductible. If you have interest in sponsoring a team this season or taking advantage of any of the other sponsorship opportunities available at Atlantic, please contact the Sponsorship Director via email.

Pricing for Signage
(Including a team sponsorship/w web site link. Teams are assigned on a first come first served basis after team only sponsors):
One Field $ 700.00/year
Two Fields $1,200.00/year
Four 60’ Fields (Two 4’x 8’ & Two 3’x 8’) $2,000.00/year
All fields (5) $2400
One Field $ 500.00/year
Two Fields $ 900.00/year
Three Fields $ 1,300.00/year
Four Fields $1700
Five Fields $2000
Metal sign $1250/yr
**Fields: Softball, AA, AAA, Majors, Big League Field

Pricing for TEAMS
6 Team option With Website link & Fall Ball Bonus $1,800.00
This option includes sponsorship of combination of 6 teams (Available 1st come first served, based on availability, 1 team per level maximum)
Tee Ball (Boys & Girls 4 & 5 year olds)
Single A (Boys & Girls 5 & 6 year olds)
Double AA (Boys 7 & 8 year olds)
Triple AAA (Boys 8, 9 & 10 year olds)
Majors (11, 12 & 13 year olds)
Junior League (Boys 13 & 14)
Senior League (Boys 15 & 16)
Big League (Boys 17 & 18)
Softball (3 Divisions)
Company name on back of shirts
Link to your website with company logo on our webpage
Acknowledgement at Opening Day ceremonies
Logo on Team Sponsorship Sign at Snackbar
Individual Teams with Web Site Link $ 900/ 3 teams
Company name on back of shirts
Link to your website with company logo on our webpage
Acknowledgement at Opening Day ceremonies
Logo on Team Sponsorship Sign at Snackbar
Individual Teams with Web Site Link $ 350.00/Team (A La Carte)
Company name on back of shirts
Link to your website with company logo on our webpage
Acknowledgement at Opening Day ceremonies
Logo on Team Sponsorship Sign at Snackbar
Or call/Email Matthew Felsenstein 732-995-2263 [email protected]